My first game in like 6 years is almost ready. Now that the game is nearly complete I find myself wondering why I made the game in the first place. I suppose I am finally in a place in my life where I have the time to be creative again. It’s great to be coding games again, and to be jotting down ideas for games/levels/stories. However, I find I am always disappointed with what I produce in terms of art. What I envisage is always a million times cooler than the junk I actually produce. Also, I hate building menus.
I am desperate for feedback on my creation but at the same time I am scared people will not like it, I may get a bad score, or bad reviews. Also, I am notorious for making games that are not fun. I think these worries are holding me back from finishing the game. I am so close now to completion, but my pace is actually slowing, I should have been finished a few weeks ago.
I think I have made some great improvements over the last few iterations, but I cannot ask my friends to play test it any more, they have played it many times already and I am sure they must be sick of it by now. I may try and find someone on the game dev portal to give it a whirl.
If you did read this far random stranger, whats wrong with you? Also it’s a bullet hell multi directional shooter with a high scoreboard and a 10 level campaign(about and hour to complete the campaign) made in HTML5. Ping me if you are interested in play testing it.
" I find I am always disappointed with what I produce in terms of art. What I envisage is always a million times cooler than the junk I actually produce"
That's something I struggle with a lot as well, I suppose the only things you can do are either make your best attempt and live with it if it looks like ass, or make simpler art.
I have opted for the latter. I now do very simple top down pixel art, I simply don't have the time to do better quality stuff. If I ever make anything I feel is worthy of quality art I will just pay a professional to do the art for me!